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BOMA/Chicago Education Committee Profile

By Susan Hammer, 十大网赌靠谱网址平台教育委员会主席兼副总裁兼AMA广场总经理



十大网赌靠谱网址平台BOMA教育委员会由一群经验丰富的专业人士组成,包括建筑和附属会员,他们致力于教育和专业发展.  该集团的理念是,教育为房地产行业创造价值,并为未来的领导者奠定基础, innovators and teachers. 教育还能提高个人满意度,是衡量成就的切实途径, 同时为个人和职业发展提供途径,提高可信度, respect and acceptance.

With a focus on designation courses, educational scholarships, Lunch & Learn programs and professional development, 委员会一直在寻求办法,鼓励对所有经验水平的建筑专业人员进行继续教育. 在过去的一年里,该委员会向行业领袖推广了指定项目,以分享他们的经验 benefits of investing in designation programs for their employees.

In 2018, five RPA/FMA/HP designation courses were offered, along with the Foundations of Real Estate program. Due to our renewed promotional efforts, 今年,RPA/FMA课程的入学人数平均增长了92%.

尽管委员会致力于鼓励业主和其他决策者支持RPA/FMA项目, it is still a work in progress.  In the meantime, 有很多新兴的专业人士对房地产和物业管理表现出了热爱,他们想要继续增加自己的知识和专业形象,但无法亲自支付课程费用.  By offering designation scholarships, 合格的申请人可以获得完整的RPA以及获得奖学金的所有认可.

Over the years, 随着越来越多的人意识到指定奖学金的好处,申请该奖学金的人数有所增加. An average of eight applications were reviewed in each of the last six years. In total, we have awarded eight Full Designation Scholarships, 自2008年以来,还颁发了14个单一指定课程奖学金. 奥利奖学金始于2006年,迄今已颁发给16人. 过去的几位奖学金获得者是他们公司和十大网赌靠谱网址平台房地产界的领导者, including chairing BOMA/Chicago committees.

Our Lunch & Learn programs, hosted by Affiliate Members, 为会员和物业经理之间的重要互动提供机会,并利用会员的专业知识来提高对新技术的认识, trends, strategies, regulations and best practices. 这些项目对所有会员都是免费的,并允许附属会员有机会与我们的建筑会员分享最佳实践和行业知识.

This year, we hosted nine Lunch & 学习课程,并且与去年相比,出勤率增加了10%. Two of our Lunch & 学习项目——BOMA 2017建筑测量标准和建筑图纸101——每个项目都吸引了70多名与会者. Other topics included Workplace Violence Prevention, Parking repair programs, a BOMA 360 seminar and emotional intelligence.

Another Lunch & 学习研讨会和经常喜欢的是托比最佳实践计划,鼓励参与托比奖励计划. Over 300 people have attended this seminar since its inception in 2012. 该研讨会也得到了BOMA国际的认可,并于去年在圣安东尼奥举行的BOMA会议上进行了介绍,出席人数超过80人,并将于2019年在盐湖城举行的会议上再次举行.

All Affiliate Members are encouraged to apply to host a Lunch & Learn seminar. 委员会审查每一份申请,以确保主题的相关性和材料与受众的相关性. 我们还向附属机构提供有关改进演示的方法的建议,并帮助为观众定制材料.

The committee also makes efforts to grow our offerings year after year. 在过去的一年里,我们已经从传统的演讲扩展到提供关系管理方面的研讨会,并推广新的课程和指定,如高绩效(HP)课程. And in May 2018, 委员会为注册的RPA/FMA指定学生推出了一项自愿指导计划. 该计划将四名RPA/FMA学生与RPA/FMA接受者进行匹配,目标如下:让学生走上正轨, working through challenges, maintaining program engagement and knowledge sharing.

As we all look to 2019, 我们正在联系BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台董事会成员和其他行业领袖,征求他们对其他成员感兴趣的热点话题的反馈. 我们经常听到的一个这样的话题是为租户开发策划项目. In the perpetual goal to retain and attract tenants, 商业地产似乎正在超越设施竞赛,寻找独特的方式来吸引租户. 建筑的居住者正在成为一个社区,创新的项目正在推动文化的发展.

其他未来的话题可能会围绕当前的政治气候如何本地化, state, national and international will impact operations and investment activity. Finally, there will always be a new technology, idea, 或者将出现的服务,将帮助物业管理团队更有效、更安全地运营建筑物——尽管目前还不明显, 我们需要保持警惕,在它被知道的时候尽快把它呈现给我们的成员.

The Education Committee welcomes new ideas and feedback from all of our members. What topics are you interested in learning more about in 2019? Leave a reply below to tell us more.

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