
Vote NO on Mayor Johnson’s Transfer Tax Hike Referendum on March 19 Election

Mayor Johnson’s Transfer Tax Hike will hurt our entire City. 

在后新冠时代, 工人们选择呆在家里, 高利率, and marked increases in labor and material costs, Chicago’s downtown faces momentous challenges, 包括创纪录的高空置率和大幅折扣的房屋价值从40%到80%. 值得注意的是, 市中心的几栋办公楼已经把钥匙交给了银行,因为它们付不起抵押贷款, nor could they find investors willing to purchase the buildings.  

Even before the onset of Covid, investors were steering clear of Chicago. Concerns about Chicago’s 房产税 unpredictability, 公共安全, 高额政府开支, and corruption were driving many of their location decisions. 随着越来越多的城市——包括纳什维尔这样的小城市——的竞争力增强, 奥斯丁, 和丹佛——投资者在全国各地有各种各样的选择. 

现在, as our downtown strives to overcome this incredible and 独特的 challenge, we look to the City’s leaders to encourage downtown growth and investment. 而不是, 市政府提议再次提高在十大网赌靠谱网址平台做生意的成本,这将进一步阻碍对我们伟大城市的投资.  

We need a thriving downtown to ensure our whole city prospers.  

As a group, Chicago’s downtown properties pay over $1.20亿美元的财产税, 资助我们的社区学校, 公园, 库, 警察, 和消防员. 由于库克县独特的分类制度,商业物业的评估率是住宅物业的250%, commercial properties effectively subsidize residential properties. 结果是, Chicago’s single-family homes and condos make up 98% of the property value in Chicago, but pay only 50% of its 房产税 bills.


方法: 数据来自库克县评估办公室和库克县财务主管办公室,用于2021年十大网赌靠谱网址平台的重新评估和财产税征收. Classification codes are from Cook County Ordinance. “Residential” (single family homes and condominiums) are Class 2 properties, “公寓”是第三类, “工业”是5B类, “商业类”为5A类, and the remaining classifications are listed as “Everyone Else.” 

库克县的 独特的 房产税 classification system – along with 高额政府开支 – 是原因吗? Chicago has the highest commercial real estate tax in the nation.

市中心的写字楼已经面临着巨大的挑战,预计整体价值将缩水40%至80%. Recent building sales have reflected that loss, 最近一次大型办公楼的销售打折幅度从60%到89%不等. 商业建筑价值的下降将导致房产税负担向业主转移, 预计为10%到20%.  

我们不仅需要一个繁荣的市中心来帮助补贴整个城市的房主的财产税, continued investment is also essential to grow our city and expand our tax base. 扩大我们的税基将有助于确保所有房主的财产税都受到控制. 

将十大网赌靠谱网址平台的转让税提高到全国最高之一——十大网赌靠谱网址平台目前的商业财产税是全国最高的——不仅会扼杀投资,还会伤害我们的市中心, but it will also increase 房产税es across the entire city. 

All neighborhoods will be 影响 by the transfer tax hike. 

超过30,由于约翰逊市长的转让税上调,整个城市的000处房产将受到增税的影响. While Mayor Johnson’s transfer tax hike has been coined a “mansion tax,杂货店, 餐厅, 购物中心, 办公大楼, and multi-family buildings in every neighborhood will be taxed. 这还不包括20,000 properties that are on the cusp of being valued at $1M in the coming years. 

Impacted Properties 300 transparent background

方法: 数据来自库克县评估办公室和库克县财务主管办公室,用于2021年对十大网赌靠谱网址平台的重新评估, 使用geocod进行地理编码.io based upon street address and mapped using ArcGIS. 公平 各物业的市场价值为 确定 based on the Cook County classification code. 2021年所有属于县的财产 公平市价 删除了80万美元的估计,以隔离那些可能与即将进行的销售相关的100万美元门槛的房产. All commercial and industrial property within City of Chicago Enterprise Zones (~6,000个pin)也被删除, as they are exempt from the City's transfer tax. Out of the 54,000 properties depicted in the map, 21,000 were assessed by the County with 公平的市场价值 estimate between $800k and $1M in 2021. A conservative estimate of the number of properties 影响 by changes to the transfer tax at the $1M threshold is 30,000. 

After Los Angeles implemented a transfer tax hike in 2023, 多户住宅交易的融资已经枯竭,因为这些交易不再被敲定. 预计十大网赌靠谱网址平台也将经历类似的结果,投资者选择风险较低的投资,多户住宅开发将会下降, denying our city the additional housing stock that is so desperately needed.  


尽管“把十大网赌靠谱网址平台带回家”的倡导者声称,新的税收结构将使“富人支付他们的公平份额”,” the included tax cut is demonstrably regressive.  

对于拥有100万美元房产的人来说,20%的减税幅度最大,为1500美元. Owners of properties valued less will receive only a few hundred dollars in tax cuts. 如下图所示, 全民公决的转让税减免主要有利于总体上更富裕的北部和西北部的房主.

Tax Cut Beneficiaries 300DPI Transparent (1)

方法: Data is from the Illinois Department of Revenue’s MyDec 十大网赌靠谱网址平台从2015年到2023年第二季度房地产转让税的记录房屋和公寓转让数据集. Assuming a flat 20% decrease in the City of Chicago’s 部分 of the transfer tax was already in place over those years, the reduction in the City’s transfer tax for each individual sale was calculated. The addresses were 使用geocod进行地理编码.使用ArcGIS按色彩饱和度绘制出各减税金额 演示 which locations received the largest benefit. The color scale organizes the data into 10 equal intervals of tax savings, which are layered upon each other starting from the smallest tax cut to the largest, meaning that the largest tax cuts are always more visible than the smaller tax cuts, 在地图上是一致的. 

The Referendum Question is confusing and misleading. 

博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台, along with a coalition of real estate, contractor and investor groups and individuals, 在1月份提起了诉讼. 该诉讼声称,向选民提出的三部分问题令人困惑和误导, and violates the Illinois Constitution, 伊利诺伊州法规, and Illinois Supreme Court precedent. 

2月23日, the Cook County Circuit Court ruled in favor of 博马/十大网赌靠谱网址平台, 同意这个问题是误导,并指示十大网赌靠谱网址平台选举委员会使这个问题无效,不统计选票. The case is currently on appeal in the First District Appellate Court. 


Homelessness is a pressing issue in our city, 我们支持有必要制定一个有效的计划,为无家可归的人提供住房和服务.  

然而, 为资助这一计划而提出的增加转让税将损害商业建筑, 小型企业, 房主, 租房者, 以及十大网赌靠谱网址平台各地的社区. 重要的是要了解将该市的转让税提高两倍和四倍将对该市造成的损害,尤其是在该市因持续的大流行复苏而面临经济挑战的时候, 重返办公室迟缓, 成本和利率不断上升. 

至关重要的是,所有利益相关者必须共同努力,制定一项有效的计划 和可持续发展. 事实上,是BOMA/十大网赌靠谱网址平台 联系到 the Bring Chicago Home coalition and 联系到 Chicago's Mayor multiple times 要求… 参与 在这些讨论中,早在 2022年11月. 不幸的是,我们 请求 坐到谈判桌前,共同努力实施解决无家可归问题的真正办法 拒绝 

The last thing Chicago needs is another tax increase.  

Solving a problem doesn’t always require a new tax. Before implementing yet another tax on Chicagoans, it’s essential to analyze current policies in place that contribute to homelessness.  

有许多与经济适用房相关的政策可以修改,以降低成本并鼓励整个城市的更大发展. 目前, affordable housing units cost up to $899,000 per unit to build. 

此外,我们应该 看看其他城市 that have made strides in reducing homelessness to emulate their policies. 例如, 休斯顿已经建立了一个中央数据库来跟踪为无家可归者提供的服务,并应用标准化评估来确保无家可归者得到他们需要的服务,并应用与城市合作的方法, 县, 非营利组织. 

实施另一项税收并增加在十大网赌靠谱网址平台做生意的成本将广泛伤害居民, including the people this proposal is intended to help. Bringing all stakeholders together to develop a real, effective plan is essential to solving Chicago’s homelessness problem.  

Without a detailed plan, this new tax revenue will not be used accountably. 

十大网赌靠谱网址平台以前的资金是如何用于无家可归者项目的,有很多问题. Despite nearly $40 million in unspent federal housing dollars, the City continues to ask for more money for housing. 就在几个月前, the City was able to find hundreds of millions of dollars to house migrants.  

约翰逊市长的转让税上调将给城市一张空白支票,而没有对支出负责, even as it has failed to transparently manage the migrant shelter crisis.